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Dran – On est pas la pour rigoler

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“On est pas la pour rigoler”


HPM on paper Ed. 79

58 x 78 cm

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This HPM was created during an atypical operation of the artist. Installed on a street in Montmartre, paintings were available for purchase, the collector not knowing which one would be attributed to him. These HPM were included with each purchase of a painting.

Vous souhaitez voir cette oeuvre ou obtenir des innformations complémentaires, contactez directement Baptiste ou Alex :


“On est pas la pour rigoler”


HPM on paper Ed. 79

58 x 78 cm

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This HPM was created during an atypical operation of the artist. Installed on a street in Montmartre, paintings were available for purchase, the collector not knowing which one would be attributed to him. These HPM were included with each purchase of a painting.