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Caledonia Curry, known professionally as Swoon, is a contemporary artist and filmmaker recognized worldwide for her innovative vision of public art.

Through intimate portraits, immersive installations, and multi-year community projects, she has explored the depths of human complexity for over 20 years, using her work to fundamentally rethink the communities we live in to create a more just and equitable world. She is best known as one of the first female street artists to achieve international recognition in a male-dominated field, pushing the conceptual boundaries of gender and paving the way for a generation of female street artists.

Her recent work has focused on the relationship between trauma and addiction. Through compassionate community partnerships and the transformative power of art, Curry draws on her personal story of a family addicted to opiates as a catalyst for connection and healing. Over the past decade, she has founded and developed multi-year collaborative projects in Braddock and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Komye, Haiti, addressing crises ranging from natural disasters to the opioid epidemic.

She is currently developing a narrative feature film that will bring together drawing, immersive installation, stop-motion animation and her collaborative work, with the traditions of storytelling through cinema.


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