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Adam Neate

Adam Neate is a British artist known for playing with perspective in his multi-dimensional collages.

Working within a personal contemporary Cubist aesthetic he calls "dimensionalism," Neate began his career leaving his works on the street, but today exhibits his paintings and assemblages in galleries.

With notable influences from Francis Bacon and Pablo Picasso, his practice combines the techniques and materials of urban art with traditional methods of mark-making and construction. Born in 1977 in Colchester, England, Neate studied graphic design while also learning to paint and sculpt.

He left his works first in the town of Ipswich and then in London, where he settled in the late 1990s. Currently living and working between Brighton, England, and Sao Paulo, Brazil, Neate has expressed that "the point of being an artist is to be creative and to create, to invent new ways of seeing and showing the world."

Adam Neate

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